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Customizing Reports - Exercise

Version 2.0 

Latest Revision 19 June 2024


This short exercise is aimed at making you more familiar with the setup of a new custom report template which should include some existing but also some custom variables. The focus is rather on practising than on completing a full new custom report.


Step by step practice 

1.  Create a new report template “TTT Custom Report”

2.  Introduce the headline “PSG Report” in bold letters / centred into the report text area.

3.  Introduce a Report Header: “My Example Report” and center the headline

4.  Insert Page number preceded by “Page” to the right of the footer (when within the footer use the right mouse click to open the shown menu)

5.  Insert the default Report sections “Patient Information” and “Recording Information” (take these sections from the list of “Report Parts” and drag them into the report area)

6.  Create new report section

a. Header “Snore Event Summary” 
b. Create and fill a table with adequate existing variables (all these variables are available in the list of fields)

Note: There is always a description of the variables. This can help to distinguish between variables with a quite similar name. 

c. Save this Report part for the future as a section: “Exercise Snore” in the category “CUSTOM training” (Select and then drag and drop the selected area into the window of “Report Parts”)

7.  Create a new section with the headline “Respiration and susp. respiratory related Arousals” 

 Note: Respiratory Related Arousal cannot be scored without EEG information. However, based on   events of “Autonomic Activity” analyzed as PWA drops (Pulse Wave Amplitude drops) a suggested   Respiratory Related Arousal might be derived and reported. 

a.  Create the variable for a “Suspected RERA index” in the different body positions --> put it into a new         field category “Exercise” 

i.  Event: PWA drop in conjunction with flow limitation but not during or following in a short time to          Apnea/Hypopneas --> First do the index variable independent of the body position and save it

--> Help:


iii.  Use the “New Based On” and add a condition for the body position create the index for supine           and non-supine and save these to the same “Exercise” category

b.  Create and fill this table with the new existing variables

c.  Save this Report part for the future as a section: “Exercise Respiratory” in the category “CUSTOM              training”


8.  Create a signal duration summary for SpO2 with thresholds and depending on body positions with             the headline “SpO2 Summary”, this will be used not in the report as a standard but should be                     available as part of the “Interpretation Notes” 

a.  Search “Duration for SpO2 <= 88 in supine” and create based on this the same for SpO2 <= 87 
b.  Search “Duration for SpO2 <= 88 in non-supine” and create based on this the same for SpO2 <= 87 
c.  Search “Percentage for SpO2 <= 88 in supine” and create based on this the same for SpO2 <= 87 
d.  Search “Percentage for SpO2 <= 88 in non-supine” and create based on this the same for SpO2 <= 87

e.  Create and fill this table with existing variables

f.  Save this Report part for the future as a section: “Exercise SpO2” in the category “Interpretation                Notes” 
g. Delete the section from your report template


9.  Insert a “Page break” and add the bookmarks: 

a. Add the page break via the menu “Format” --> “Insert Break” 
b. Add the “Sheet Bookmarks” from the “Report Parts” (see category “Charts and Graphs”)

10. Save this report --> run and test the report on one of your existing recordings.

11. After report generation please use the “Edit” mode

       … and add from the “Interpretation Notes” by dragging and dropping your section “Exercise SpO2”.           The values will get filled automatically. Leaving the “Edit” mode will allow you to print or export that           report. 

12.  If you change bookmarks / (analysis) periods/events you have to use the “Refresh” option to get                 these modifications to take effect in your report!




Ver 2.0

*Please note that not all features or all products are available in all markets. Our products are medical devices and subject to registration/approval in each market area. For more information on product availability please contact

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