This article explains why events are scored in Noxturnal during Wake periods.
The explanation has to do with how Noxturnal performs auto analysis on the one hand - and reporting (counting) on the other hand. The analysis model used in Noxturnal is such that all events are scored without regard to its sleep stage. So for example you could see an apnea being scored in wake if it meets the criteria for how an apnea should be scored. However - the difference lies in the reporting and counting of events. Our reports are set to only count events that happen in Sleep. That means that when users see an event scored during wake (any type of event) it will not be counted as a part of the report. They can also modify this using the report system.
The reasoning for this approach is to ensure that when users update the autoscoring during their review and change sleep stages from Wake to N1 as an example - those events that were scored during wake (which then was changed to N1) will then be included in the reporting.
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