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Nox A1s: How to repair the File system

Sometimes it can happen that the file system, like on all flash drive products, gets corrupted. This can occur, for example, when the Nox-A1s device is unplugged from the computer without being ejected first or a study was started on an empty battery. When this happens you need to repair the file system to recover your study. Please follow the steps below:


  1. Open Windows Explorer and locate the larger of the two Removable Disks that are the Nox-A1s device
  2. Right-click on the Removable Disk and select Properties
  3. In the Properties dialog select the Tools page
  4. Locate the Error-checking options and then select the Check now... option (note that administrator privileges are required) 
  5. In the Check Disk dialog select the Start option
  6. The disk is now scanned and either nothing is wrong or the check notifies that errors were located and fixed.

*Please note that not all features or all products are available in all markets. Our products are medical devices and subject to registration/approval in each market area. For more information on product availability please contact

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